The Gift of Being SAGE

I am 70, a senior citizen. That almost makes me laugh. I can’t believe how fast that went. Like my grandfather used to say, “Blink once you’re 30, twice you’re 60. I don’t want to blink again.” But actually, I am grateful for all the things that happened between the blinks. Some were amazingly happy…

I am 70, a senior citizen. That almost makes me laugh. I can’t believe how fast that went. Like my grandfather used to say, “Blink once you’re 30, twice you’re 60. I don’t want to blink again.” But actually, I am grateful for all the things that happened between the blinks. Some were amazingly happy and others terrifying or sad. The birth of my children and now grandchildren. The loss of my parents and all the elders in my family. I remember at my father’s funeral one of my nephews asked how it felt to be an elder. Well, I can’t put in print what I said, but today, I am truly grateful to be an elder with all the love and wisdom passed from my elders, and yes, from my children and grandchildren. Life changed from problems and walls to opportunities and solutions.  

Now I have the gift of sharing my experience, strength, and hope with others so that they may find the joy and purpose that I have found in my life. I am grateful to work as a therapist at The Meadows with the SAGE group; our programming specifically created for those over 50.  I see many connections in life and the SAGE group is one of many in this circle of life.

I have burned sage for decades to help me realize that I have a Higher Power who is always present. Sage is a beautiful, restful color; which incidentally, my wife recently decided to paint our bedroom — a place of peace and rest. And of course, sage is wisdom. The elders have traditionally been seen as wise sages in many cultures.

So, I am blessed to be a SAGE, an elder with some gifts to give and receive in my work with others of my generation. As an old song goes, “what a long, strange trip it’s been” but I would not trade one minute of it because it has made me who I am today: a person I love, respect, with a purpose that will open many new doors to knowledge and joy for many years to come.

Yes, I am an elder, and I feel the energy of new life and knowledge every day.

Evan Hughes, MaEd, LISAC

The Meadows Primary Therapist, Sage Group