Surviving Harvey And Dealing With Trauma After A Disaster - The Meadows

Surviving Harvey And Dealing With Trauma After A Disaster

“This is one of the largest disasters America has ever faced,” stated Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas.

By now, you have seen the news accounts and photographs regarding the situation in Texas. News reports have stated there are at least 10 people dead, with many more injured, as parts of the Houston area were inundated with more than 40 inches of rain, with totals possibly reaching 50 inches as the rainfall continues.

What Natural Disasters Can Mean For Mental Health

Whether they are natural, man-made, or technological, disasters have the potential to impact the psychological health of an individual. Around the world, floods make up almost a third of the disasters that occur, greater than any other disaster type(1). Research has shown that there are high levels of PTSD found in populations that have been impacted by large storms and flooding. In fact, in more than one study, researchers found that loss of work and income were related to mental health symptoms, and symptoms were higher among females(2).

In August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated the US Gulf Coast. Unlike other disaster research, which tends to show decreases in the prevalence of mental disorders over time after a disaster, following Hurricane Katrina, an increase was found (3). Nearly two years after Hurricane Katrina, there was still a high rate of hurricane-related mental health problems, including PTSD, in residents of the affected area. Research pointed to unresolved hurricane-related stress as a major factor in those problems.

Displacement may also have contributed to distress. One study examining PTSD symptoms in evacuees from New Orleans who had settled in Oklahoma found that almost a year and a half after Katrina, both adult and adolescent evacuees had higher levels of PTSD symptoms than Oklahoma residents who were not evacuees(4).

The Trauma Of A Natural Disaster

The Meadows Senior Fellow, Peter Levine, characterizes trauma not by the event but by one’s reactions to it and symptoms. He explains that “any overwhelming and distressing experience” can cause trauma and that trauma is only recognizable by its symptoms.

Similar to many trauma causes, natural disasters may be sudden and overwhelming. People may have lost their homes, worldly possessions, or loved ones during or after the event.

According to the American Psychological Association, the following are common symptoms of trauma:

  • Intense or unpredictable feelings. You may be anxious, nervous, overwhelmed, or grief-stricken. You may also feel more irritable or moody than usual.
  • Changes to thoughts and behavior patterns. You might have repeated and vivid memories of the event. These memories may occur without reason and produce physical reactions such as rapid heartbeat or sweating. It may not be easy to concentrate or make decisions. Sleep and eating patterns can also be disrupted — some people may overeat and oversleep, while others experience a loss of sleep and appetite.
  • Sensitivity to environmental factors. Sirens, loud noises, burning smells, or other environmental sensations may stimulate memories of the disaster, creating heightened anxiety. These “triggers” may be accompanied by fears that the stressful event will be repeated.
  • Strained interpersonal relationships. Increased conflict can occur, such as more frequent disagreements with family members and coworkers. You might also become withdrawn, isolated or disengaged from your usual social activities.
  • Stress-related physical symptoms. Headaches, nausea, and chest pain may occur and could require medical attention. Preexisting medical conditions could be affected by disaster-related stress.

How The Meadows Can Help

While one person may find the ability to cope with a traumatic event, another may be unable to deal with the trauma by themselves in a productive manner. Suppose you or a loved one is experiencing persistent feelings of distress or hopelessness due to a natural disaster or event. In that case, The Meadows can help you create a life of recovery, peace, and healing.

The Meadows family of specialized programs and world-class in treating emotional trauma, addiction, and co-occurring conditions.

1. Disaster statistics 1991-2005. (n.d.). International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, UCL – Brussels.
2. Kumar, M.S., Murthedar, M.V., Hutin, Y., Subramanian, T., Ramachandran, V., Gupte, M.D. (2007). Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in a coastal village in Tamil Nadu, India, after the December 2004 tsunami. American Journal of Public Health, 97, 99-101.
3. Kessler, R. C., Galea, S., Gruber, M. J., Sampson, N. A., Ursano, R. J., & Wessely, S. (2008). Trends in mental illness and suicidality after Hurricane Katrina. Molecular Psychiatry, 13(4), 374-384.
4. Tucker, P., Pfefferbaum, B., Khan, Q., Young, M. J., Aston, C. E., Holmes, J., … Thompson, J. (2008). Katrina survivors relocated to Oklahoma: A tale of two cities. Psychiatric Annals, 38(2), 125-133.