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Tools to support recovery


The resources available in our bookstore contain valuable information, helpful tools, and inspiring stories from our Senior Fellows and other trusted experts. We carefully select books, CDs, and DVDs that we believe will enhance and extend your time with us, helping you continue the healing even after you return home.

Beyond Theory Podcast

Powered by Meadows Behavioral Healthcare, the Beyond Theory podcast brings you in-depth conversations with firsthand insights from the people on the front lines of mental health and addiction recovery. In each episode, listeners get to hear directly from the world’s leading recovery experts and advocates in their own words as they explore the powerful stories and emerging discoveries shaping behavioral health.

In Practice Podcast

The COVID-19 pandemic is more than a story about a severe acute respiratory syndrome. It’s a story about us. And about the ways this global event is changing our minds, our relationships, and our communities.

Join host David Condos as he sets out to unravel the pandemic’s mental health impact with some of the world’s leading experts in psychology, neuroscience, public health, trauma, and recovery.