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Mental Health

Regular Mental Health Testing for All Adults

Many areas of our health are screened at regular checkups with our doctors. However, despite rising anxiety rates in adults in recent years, mental health has not been one of them. Fortunately, the US Preventive Services Task Force is in the process of publishing a recommendation for anxiety screening for all adults under 65. Read More

The Trauma for Suicide Loss Survivors

Sometimes life and mental health can become just too much for someone. Losing this person to suicide is a tragedy, and that tragedy creates ripples of pain and trauma for the loved ones they left behind. For these suicide loss survivors, the story doesn’t have to end. You can learn more about suicide, find support, and begin to heal yourself and your family Read More

The Healing Power of Silence

Is silence good for you? Today, meditation and mindfulness use the discipline of getting quiet to boost mental health. Research has shown that silence can actually decrease stress and lower blood pressure, among other benefits. So how can you experience the healing power of silence, and what does that look like? Read More

Mental Illness Misconceptions: What We Still Get Wrong

If a pros and cons list were to be made about the COVID era, I think we all know which side of the list would be longer. But as we reorganized our routines and adapted to new ways of doing life, one tangible development for the “pro” column would be the deliberate strides made in spotlighting mental health. In addition to destigmatizing the conversations once considered taboo among family, friends, and coworkers, COVID helped make it OK to admit you weren’t OK. Read More

Mental Benefits of Sports Teams

Sports are continually and globally popular. We sign our kids up for them, gather with friends to play them, and are ready to watch when our favorite teams compete. So what’s the draw, and are they worth it? And are there mental benefits of team sports? Read More

Failed Adoptions: Mental Health Aftermath

All of us know someone who has navigated the adoption process. In fact, according to a study published by the Children’s Bureau at the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF), nearly 59,000 children were adopted in 2020. Consequently, the number of children waiting to be adopted also fell in 2020 to 117,000. By all accounts, the system appears to be working. What you don’t hear about, however, is the number of failed adoptions every year. American Adoptions, one of the country’s leading domestic adoption agencies estimates the failed adoption rate to be anywhere from 15-20% for domestic placements. This disruption can be devastating not only for the adoptive family, but for the adoptee, proving traumatic for all involved. Read More

7 Ways Pushing Yourself Physically Benefits You Mentally

Exercise has been proven to have many benefits for physical and biological health. But it turns out that exercise — from a mild walk to physical challenges like rock climbing — can measurably improve your mental health as well. Pushing yourself physically may in fact help you push past mental hang-ups in your life. As you pursue a healthy lifestyle, it’s worthwhile to learn how to become strong physically and mentally through recreation and exercise.  Read More

Depression and Teens

The COVID-19 pandemic increased rates of depression and anxiety for just about everyone, and teens were no exception. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 44% of high school students reported persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the pandemic, and 37% reported that their mental health suffered during that time. Read More

Laughter: A Natural Therapy

Maybe it’s a popular meme or a witty pun. An outrageously hilarious scene from a favorite movie, or comedian Jim Gaffigan riffing on the ups and downs of parenting five kids in New York City. It may even be that funny thing that happened to you or a friend on the way to work, at the grocery store, or while on a date. Read More

The Importance of Inclusivity

Here in the US, we pride ourselves on the acceptance and celebration of the LGBTQ community. There are parades and parties and entire channels on television programming to support this important part of our society. With all the celebration, it’s easy to conclude that we as a culture understand the importance of diversity and inclusion for our LGBTQ friends. But recent research shows we've still got a long way to go. The pursuit of acceptance, understanding, and inclusion is a lifelong struggle for this community. And the struggle impacts not only mental health, but essentially every area of their lives, including education. Read More