Jerry Boriskin: Introducing Dr. Jerry Boriskin, Addiction & Trauma Expert

The Meadows, one of America’s leading centers for the treatment of addiction and trauma, presents an ongoing series of videos featuring leading experts in the field of mental health, including Dr. Jerry Boriskin, Maureen Canning, and John Bradshaw, among others. In the first installment of this series, Dr. Jerry Boriskin, Senior Fellow at The Meadows,…

The Meadows, one of America’s leading centers for the treatment of addiction and trauma, presents an ongoing series of videos featuring leading experts in the field of mental health, including Dr. Jerry Boriskin, Maureen Canning, and John Bradshaw, among others.

In the first installment of this series, Dr. Jerry Boriskin, Senior Fellow at The Meadows, introduces himself and discusses his 30-year career as a licensed psychologist and educator working in the fields of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and co-occurring addictive disorders. (Co-occurring disorders exist in an individual who has one or more addictive disorders and one or more psychiatric disorders.)

“My passion is teaching about how PTSD and addictions work together,” he explains.

Dr. Boriskin is an author, lecturer, and clinician with expertise in treating trauma, PTSD, and addictive disorders. He was an early advocate for the use of extended care and has developed two extended residential treatment programs for co-occurring disorders. He has authored several books, including PTSD and Addiction: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Counselors and At Wit’s End: What Families Need to Know When A Loved One is Diagnosed With Addiction and Mental Illness. He currently is working on a book focusing on Complex PTSD, the most complicated type of post-traumatic stress disorder. The working title is Dancing With Demons: Why People With Complicated Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Live in the Past, Dread the Future, and Live in the Moment.

“I think that title captures the essence of a lot of what I’m trying to teach,” he says.

To view Dr. Boriskin’s video – and other videos in the series – see For more about The Meadows’ innovative treatment program for PTSD and other disorders, see or call The Meadows at 800-244-4949.